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Location:Home > CROP PROTECTION > Plant protection knowledge

Canada extended the registration of plant growth regulator paclobutrazol

Time:2023-01-31 Follow:246

The Canadian Pest Administration (PMRA) recommended extending the registration of plant growth regulator paclobutrazol. The bureau reassessed the products containing paclobutrazol and believed that if used according to the label, it would not cause unpredictable risks to human health or the environment. As a condition for extending the registration, the bureau recommended updating the labels of all end products. No additional data is required at present. The public review period of this proposal ends on December 30, 2013.

The plant growth regulator paclobutrazol is a triazole pesticide, which reduces the rate of cell division by inhibiting the biosynthesis of gibberellin and sterol. Paclobutrazol is registered in Canada for greenhouse potted landscape crops to obtain plants with more dense branches and leaves and enhance flowering. The application mode of paclobutrazol is mostly spraying or soaking with handheld devices.


