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Syngenta plant growth regulator PARLAY (R) has been registered in Canada

Time:2023-01-31 Follow:219

Syngenta recently announced its plant growth regulator (PGR) PARLAY ® It has been registered in Canada to help its growers produce turf-type perennial ryegrass seeds.

Wayne Bennett, director of business development at Syngenta, said, "PARLAY is an important product for perennial ryegrass seed production, which can improve seed production and the competitiveness of Canadian growers."

Brett Young seed company became the distributor of PARLAY. The company is headquartered in Winnipeg, Canada, and has a long history of development in the forage and turf industry. Harley Bell, senior product manager of Brett Young, showed confidence in the product, "PARLAY can bring significant economic returns to the growers of turf-type perennial ryegrass seeds, and improve the output of this crop which is difficult to harvest."

Perennial ryegrass is an early harvest crop. It has high tolerance to excessive humidity and can increase the organic matter in the soil. It is an important rotation crop. However, early lodging reduced the seed yield.

Studies by the Manitoba Forage Seed Association of Canada and the United States have shown that the application of plant growth regulators containing antidepressant can reduce lodging and improve the yield of perennial ryegrass seeds. PARLAY uses this chemical ingredient to enhance the stem strength of crops, reduce the stem height, and make crops easy to bind and dry, so as to improve the harvest rate.

Bell said that growers in the United States have used plant growth regulators for many years. He said, "The registration of PARLAY is a major development for Canadian growers. Access to this technology is crucial for improving production and competitiveness."


