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Alistar launched plant growth regulator PILATUS (R) in India

Time:2023-01-31 Follow:566

Alistar India recently announced the launch of plant growth regulator PILATUS ®。 This product is produced by Alista Mexico, which contains plant extract, fulvic acid, zinc, amino acid and inositol, which can stimulate seed germination and root development.

"Field trials have proved that PILATUS is a very effective product, which can help farmers increase production and improve product quality." Rajat Thakur, vice president of marketing of Aristar India, said, "PILATUS will initially be promoted on vegetables (tubers and bulbs) and grape crops, and then expand to other cash crops. Aristar believes that this product provides farmers and local distribution channels with opportunities to create value."

The advantages of PILATUS products include: enhancing root growth; Enhance the absorption of nutrients; Improve crop growth; Improve the tillering, branching, flowering and bearing of crops; Improve production and quality.

Alistar plans to promote PILATUS products across India in the coming planting season.


