Application of chlormequat in fruit trees
Time:2023-01-31 Follow:466
1. Satsuma mandarin
In the production of satsuma mandarin? Is it a result tree,? In summer and autumn, due to the large number of shoots, nutrients are consumed, resulting in serious fruit drop and yield reduction in the current year, and even affecting the flowering and fruit in the next year. In order to solve this passive situation, the method of wiping the tip has always been used, but this method takes both labor and time. However, with the use of chlormequat, scientific and technological workers have shown through years of experiments that when spraying chlormequat on satsuma mandarin, it can inhibit vegetative growth, control shoot germination, and promote reproductive growth at the same time, which plays an important role in increasing yield in the current year and fruiting in the next year.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray tree crown.
(2) Use period: summer and autumn.
(3) Operation steps: apply chlormequat to satsuma mandarin in two times. The first time, in the early stage of summer shoot; For the second time, before the occurrence of late autumn shoots, the concentration of chlormequat should be 0.2% each time.
2. Grapes
Grapes treated with chlormequat can inhibit vegetative growth and promote reproductive growth. For some grape varieties, such as rose grape, it can improve fruit setting rate, increase grain number and ear weight, and increase yield; In terms of quality, the ear is compact, small grains are reduced, the ear shape is beautiful, the fruit becomes round, the color is good, there is rose fragrance, and the sugar content is increased; Can make branches? It is thick and has a certain inhibiting effect on branch elongation. There are also Beichun and Baiyu varieties, which can not only increase the number of fruit grains, the weight of fruit grains, increase the sugar content, and greatly increase the yield, but also inhibit the growth of new shoots and reduce the number of picking.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray.
(2) Use period: before flowering.
(3) Operation steps: The application of chlormequat in grape production is different due to different regions, varieties and climates. For rose fragrance varieties in Beijing, the application time of chlormequat is 5-10 days before flowering, and the concentration of chlormequat is 100-200 mg/L, depending on the degree of spraying humidity. In Jiangsu, for Beichun and Baiyu, the concentration of chlormequat should be 1000 mg/L 5 to 7 days before blooming.
3. Apple
Spraying chlormequat on young apple trees can promote the growth of new shoots, inhibit the growth of lengthening, shorten the internodes, thicken and widen the leaves, enhance the cold resistance, and promote the growth of new shoots to stop as soon as possible. Therefore, it can replace manual heart picking.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray the tree crown.
(2) Use period: July to August.
(3) Operation steps: The young apple trees use chlormequat, which is sprayed once every half month from late July to late August, a total of three times, and the concentration of chlormequat is 0.5% each time.
4. Pear
The treatment of pear trees with chlormequat can not only enhance the cold resistance, but also make the trees strong, thus improving the fruit strengthening effect.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray the whole plant.
(2) Period of use: spring.
(3) Operation steps: the pear tree uses chlormequat, which is selected in spring. The concentration of chlormequat solution is 0.1%, and the spray is wet.
5. Li
When cultivating plum seedlings, when spraying chlormequat, it can make new buds form, reduce the height of seedlings, and facilitate transportation and planting out of the garden.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray the leaf surface.
(2) Use period: growth period.
(3) Operation steps: In the nursery, if plum wants to use chlormequat to reduce seedling height, it should be sprayed on the leaf during the growth period, and the concentration of chlormequat should be 1000 mg/l.
6. Kiwi fruit
The application of chlormequat in kiwifruit can significantly inhibit the growth of new shoots, promote flower growth, and increase fruit hardness.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray.
(2) Use period: when the new shoots begin to grow.
(3) Operation steps: the appropriate period for the treatment of kiwifruit with chlormequat is to spray the solution with a concentration of 3000 mg/L when the new shoots of kiwifruit are just beginning to grow vigorously.
7. Pomelo
The use of chlormequat in pomelo can control the summer shoots of pomelo, improve the quality of fruit, and increase the yield of pomelo.
Specific usage:
(1) Application method: spray.
(2) Period of use: summer peak.
(3) Operation steps: spray chlormequat on pomelo at the early stage of summer shoots of pomelo, and spray the crown with chlormequat solution with a concentration of 1000 mg/L.