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[Quanfeng Science and Technology] Guo Yongwang, director of the Pharmaceutical and Machinery Department of the National Agricultural Technology Center of the Research and Guidance Group of the Ministr

Time:2022-07-20 Follow:684

Recently, Ji Mingshan, director of the Pharmaceutical and Machinery Division of the National Agricultural Technology Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhu Xiaoming, professor of Henan Agricultural University, Han Shiping, director and extension researcher of the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Zhang Lina, director and extension researcher of the Provincial Plant Protection Station, visited Anyang Quanfeng for research and guidance, accompanied by Xing Lanmin, deputy director of Anyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, Wang Gang, director of Anyang Plant Protection Station, and the chairman of Anyang Quanfeng Company General Manager Wang Zhiguo accompanied and introduced the company's development.


